Beach Trip 2010

June 3rd, 2010 | 21:16

We took a much needed vacation a few weeks ago. We stayed in Navarre Beach, FL… for free!
Here was our awesome view, some sting rays that were just swimming all around, and the beach



In flight WiFi

November 18th, 2009 | 15:18

Just wanted to post this now, because it’s the first time I’ve ever had an internet connection on a flight.

Pretty cool, and way faster than I expected it to be. Feels like a cable connection.

Don’t know why it took them so long to figure this out, it’s very convenient. Too bad there aren’t power outlets though (at least on this plane).

Greek Riot Photography

December 17th, 2008 | 09:32

This site has some incredible images of the riots going on in Greece.

Greek Riot Police

I don’t think Santorini is really involved in this whole thing, but it’s weird that we were just over there.

Home from Texas

June 1st, 2008 | 17:33

Just walked back in the door and got settled in and the cats fed. The plane landed 2 hours ago, but it took that and $8 to get home (or at least two blocks from it) on MARTA.

Texas was pretty fun. I have a rather nasty looking bruise on my right arm from shooting at clay pigeons yesterday. I’m just glad we found some fairly cheap plane tickets. Don’t get me wrong, 16 hours, both ways, in a van, with my parents, grandparents, aunt and uncle, would have been oh so much fun.

Congratulations to my Cousin Jonathan and his new wife Genevieve (or, Geneva, as the pastor said twice at the start of the ceremony)… 5 and 1/2 more months to go until it’s me and Kathleen’s turn…