October 21st, 2008 | 08:41
This (and the next post to follow) are now REALLY old, Sorry…
Kathleen and I went to see Stereolab at the Variety Playhouse. It was a really good show except the new security gaurd that didn’t like us filming, which has never been a problem in the past.
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July 20th, 2008 | 23:06
Saw The Dark Knight today with Kathleen… Amazing. Can we all just agree to pretend that those previous Batman movies don’t exist (not counting the original 60’s version of course)?
I haven’t been to the theatre to see a movie in a very long time. Spent $30 (why I never go), and it was completely worth it. Although, we almost watched it from 10ft away from the screen, in which case I probably would have hated it. Luckily Kathy suggested we just walk over to the next screen which was starting 30 minutes later (thank you…) , where we promptly went to the top row of seats.
I know it’s completely crazy… but I’m really hoping that conspiracy theory about Heath Ledger faking his death is true…
Tags: film, review
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June 29th, 2008 | 22:55
I recently took up painting… here is my first attempt:

It was inspired by Burning Chrome… this is my second attempt:

This is Molly from Neuromancer. I took it from a cover of the book.
Also, this weekend, we went to a fund raiser at the Paste Magazine office on Friday, and then went to Brickstore Pub where we met Anjolina Jolie’s Brother, who Liz is doing some design work for…
Tags: art, journal, paintings
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April 22nd, 2008 | 14:41
Kathleen and I are currently reading Neuromancer in our “book club,” and I’m really enjoying it. So I was reading some stuff about William Gibson and came across this (iMDB). So far they only have one actor signed on, Hayden Christensen, as Case no less. I don’t think I’ve ever been more disappointed with a casting decision. And the director looks less than promising as well.
Tags: books, film, news
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February 29th, 2008 | 14:12
There’s a new Get Smart trailer out…
The first teaser trailer left me a little skeptical, but I’m completely excited for this now.
Tags: movies, news
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