Beach Trip 2010

June 3rd, 2010 | 21:16

We took a much needed vacation a few weeks ago. We stayed in Navarre Beach, FL… for free!
Here was our awesome view, some sting rays that were just swimming all around, and the beach



Madeline at the Drunken Unicorn

March 22nd, 2010 | 21:23

Saturday night Kathleen and I went down to the drunken unicorn to see Madeline.
Also, trying out this Nexus One WordPress app…

Sondre Lerche at The Earl

February 20th, 2010 | 09:41

A while back, we went to dinner at Woodfire Grill, before going to see Sondre Lerche at the Earl. Kathleen had gotten reservations back in December for me for Christmas, and this was the earliest date that was available! Also, this was the show that we both bought each other tickets to for Christmas.

Site Launch: Cypress Search Group

February 11th, 2010 | 10:50

Last month I developed a site for a job placement firm, Cypress Search Group.

First Anniversary – NYC

December 7th, 2009 | 14:25

So… I’ve been holding the cord to my blog pinched together, and now I’m letting it go… so you’re gonna get a bunch of posts at once… so be sure to read a few posts deep!

Kathleen and I took a long weekend trip up to New York to celebrate our first anniversary. We had a great time and ate lots of great food.

This is us in Central Park

We also happen to be there when there a live Diggnation filming:
