Downtown Tornado

March 15th, 2008 | 01:01

There was a really bad tornado tonight in downtown Atlanta.  The building across the street from where kathleen works was shown on tv, and it was all torn apart. We haven’t seen her building yet.

Debris at the CNN Center

On a very sad note, it looks like the Cotton Mill Lofts have been completely demolished. The floors just collapsed one on top of the other. Less than a year ago, when I was looking for a new place to live, I was very close to picking the Cotton Mill Lofts. I just hope everyone made it out ok.

Google Sky Released

March 14th, 2008 | 12:15

Google released Google Sky today. You can now Google the universe.

Here are some good spots:


Don’t know 1

Don’t know 2

Crab Nebula

It’s not quite as cool as the program Celestia, but it’s still pretty cool.

Web Browser Market Share

February 29th, 2008 | 13:44

I checked out my site statistics today, and found out something very pleasing to me as a web developer. This is the break down of what browsers people are using when viewing my site:

1. Firefox – 83.4%
2. IE – 10.6%
3. Netscape – 4.5%
4. Safari – 1.5%

Although, to be honest I would still like to see that IE number go down to zero, but hey, that’s better than I expected.

Of course… this might be skewed by my own usage of the site, as I only use firefox and probably am the most frequent visitor.

Ron Paul

February 2nd, 2008 | 23:03

Ron Paul Rally

Kathleen and I went to see Ron Paul’s son speak at a rally today at the Georgia capitol building. Watch this video if you care to learn more about Ron Paul…

Here’s another good video, if you care about economics (link)… keep in mind, this was like a year ago, and he already foresaw the crisis in the housing market.

Found: The Fortress of Solitude

January 26th, 2008 | 23:18

It turns out, Superman was hiding out in Mexico…

Fortress of Solitude