Web Browser Market Share

February 29th, 2008 | 13:44

I checked out my site statistics today, and found out something very pleasing to me as a web developer. This is the break down of what browsers people are using when viewing my site:

1. Firefox – 83.4%
2. IE – 10.6%
3. Netscape – 4.5%
4. Safari – 1.5%

Although, to be honest I would still like to see that IE number go down to zero, but hey, that’s better than I expected.

Of course… this might be skewed by my own usage of the site, as I only use firefox and probably am the most frequent visitor.

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3 Responses to “Web Browser Market Share”

  1. alterna180

    and netscape!?! didn’t you take that off of your mom’s computer? she’s probably the one looking at your site in NN and IE.


  2. Christopher

    I actually put firefox on her computer and hid IE, hehe. I think that IE is from Kathleen looking at it from work. And I have no idea who’s using Netscape…

  3. Kathleen

    nah uh, i use firefox at work so they can’t be seeing my business…

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