Venice is Sinking

April 8th, 2009 | 14:59

Kathleen and I went to see James’ band Venice is Sinking last Friday night. It was a CD release show at Kavarna in Oakhurst. They were great of course.

Today, I found out that Merge Records XX festival tickets went on sale today, and they sold out today… that sucks. I was really wanting to go. I’ve never seen Superchunk in concert, and they don’t tour much at all these days… oh well…

The Heligoats and Clem Snide

March 18th, 2009 | 21:58

Last Wednesday me and Kathleen went to see Clem Snide at the Earl, and The Heligoats opened.

The Heligoats

Clem Snide

Loney, Dear and Andrew Bird

February 13th, 2009 | 18:22

Last Wednesday we went to see Loney, Dear and Andrew Bird at the Variety Playhouse. Actually, I didn’t even know Loney, Dear was playing until the day of the show because I bought the tickets right when they went on sale and it wasn’t posted yet, so I was very excited… Oh yeah, and Andrew Bird was freaking Awesome…

Loney, Dear

Andrew Bird

Silver Jews and Monotonix

October 7th, 2008 | 10:59

I’m really late posting this, but we went to see Silver Jews over three weeks ago with Brent, Alexis, Eric, and Kelly.

Monotonix opened for them, which was quite a show…
We were sitting on the right side where they have the plastic chairs set up. They started out on the floor in the front. Then half way through they drug all their equipment over directly in front of us.

More photos of them here

Margot & the Nuclear So & So’s with the Audrye Sessions

August 20th, 2008 | 02:01

Just got back from the Margot & the Nuclear So & So’s show at the Drunken Unicorn… and I’m going to go ahead and say this was my favorite show so far this year… There were 8 members on stage but they were so tight you wouldn’t have known it.

margot & the nuclear so & so\'s

Audrye Sessions opened for them, and were also very good. I felt really bad because I only had $5 in cash on me and their album was $10. We talked to the girl who played bass for them and also made all their merch (bags and wallets and what not, which was all really great). She gave us stickers and buttons and stuff… So go check them out here

Audrye Sessions