Snowden at the Earl 7/3/09

August 8th, 2009 | 15:35

Went to see Snowden at the Earl a while ago. Finally got the pics up. I didn’t really like their new stuff as much as the last album, but the show was still good.

An old friend from college’s band was one of the openers, The Sea Lions. They were really good.

Venice is Sinking

April 8th, 2009 | 14:59

Kathleen and I went to see James’ band Venice is Sinking last Friday night. It was a CD release show at Kavarna in Oakhurst. They were great of course.

Today, I found out that Merge Records XX festival tickets went on sale today, and they sold out today… that sucks. I was really wanting to go. I’ve never seen Superchunk in concert, and they don’t tour much at all these days… oh well…

Loney, Dear and Andrew Bird

February 13th, 2009 | 18:22

Last Wednesday we went to see Loney, Dear and Andrew Bird at the Variety Playhouse. Actually, I didn’t even know Loney, Dear was playing until the day of the show because I bought the tickets right when they went on sale and it wasn’t posted yet, so I was very excited… Oh yeah, and Andrew Bird was freaking Awesome…

Loney, Dear

Andrew Bird

Gettin’ Married….

November 16th, 2008 | 12:27

Just thought I’d write a brief post to say that in about 4.5 hours Kathleen and I will be getting married……

So I probably won’t post much, but follow my twitter for updates while we’re gone… I’m turning off my recieving texts cause it’s so expensive from over there though.

Thanks! Gotta go……..

Jenny Lewis

October 21st, 2008 | 08:45

Jenny Lewis at the Variety Playhouse

We went to see Jenny Lewis at the Variety Playhouse. First time I’ve seen her live. It was a great show, I love the VP. We walked to l5p, ate dinner, saw three bands, and walked home by 11. Even though it makes me feel old, I’m tired of going to venues where the bands aren’t finished playing until 1:30, at least on week nights.

And it made me really wish I was already working freelance because the day of the show she said they all were hanging out at the coffee shop accross the street from my apartment.

The two opening bands, Michael Runion and Benji Hughes, were both pretty good.