Happy Birthday IE6… now please die!

August 28th, 2008 | 13:05

Yesterday was the SEVENTH anniversary of the launch of Internet Explorer 6. And unfortunately, a large number of people are STILL using this old and broken browser.

Now you may think, “what do you care what web browser I am using?” Well, as I was coding the latest site for my web development side job, I decided to use it as an example to show just how much extra work is caused by people still using IE 6.

After I had finished the main frame layout for each page, I stopped to check it across all the major browsers. Here are the results:



IE7(yes, IE7 is *almost* a decent browser):

and here is that same page, as displayed in IE6:

So, to anyone who is still using Internet Explorer 6, this is where I have to start *breaking* the code, and substituting images to make it look right for you and your retarded browser. And that process is usually looong and painful. Luckily, Microsoft actually allows us to deliver a hack-ridden formatting in a way that only IE can see, therefore not muddling up the other (standards compliant) browsers code. Never-the-less, it causes many long hours wasted on every site you code.

So I beg you… Please update or switch to firefox!


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